Elegance has never looked so good! With lovely ranunculus, roses, carnations, and more, all in beautiful shades of pink, Poetic Pinks is a graceful and delicate mix. This tasteful arrangement is perfect for the pink lover in your life!
Basket, Baby Blue Eucalyptus, Salal, Pink Lilies, Blush Roses, Lavender Stock , Pink Tulips , White Waxflower, Succulents.
This timeless basket arrangement is sure to be a delight! Full of lovely blush and lavender tones, the stunning roses, lilies, tulips, and more create a tastefully delicate mix. Surprise someone you love with Soft Embrace today!
Celebrating a woman who has it all? We’ve made it easy on you with our Mother’s Day Special flower arrangement! Allow us to design a gift that will have her feeling excited about her fresh, new home decor. She’ll feel more appreciated than ever when you give her a beautiful bouquet and a little bit of love!
Mom does everything for you, now it’s your turn to do something nice for her! Send your mom flowers as beautiful as she is. Our designers will create something stunning and meaningful, the perfect gift for your mother. It’ll be a gift that she’ll love and forever remember.
For the one who deserves the world, we’ve designed a premium flower arrangement that will have her feeling extra special this Mother’s Day. Our professional florists have put together a bouquet of flowers that stands out above the rest to show her how much you care on a day that’s all about her!
Bubble Bowl, Dusty Miller, Seeded Eucalyptus , White Hydrangea , White Hypericum , Starfighter Lilies, Hot Pink Roses, Red Roses, Pink Tulips , White Waxflower.
A hopeless romantics’ dream, this elegant arrangement will make them glow! Stargazer lilies and pink and red roses are completed by pink tulips and white waxflowers. Romantic Daydream makes the perfect gift to anyone special in your life!
They’ll love this sweet arrangement! Featuring stunning lavender roses, white ranunculus, purple stock, and more, Sweet Cream & Lilac is a delightfully delicate mix. Send this tasteful arrangement to someone who needs a sweet treat today!
This arrangement is for those who are as free as a bird and as stunning as the setting sun. A Free-Spirit Dozen is sure to leave a lasting impression. Order today and make someone’s day a little brighter!
There’s nothing sweeter than this striking bouquet! Much like its namesake, vibrant hues of orange and pink trickle down this delightful arrangement. Sweet Peach Sorbet is a delightfully vibrant rose mix, one they’ll be tickled to get!
Clear Bubble Bowl , Dusty Miller, Genestra, Salal , White Carnations, Mini Green Hydrangea , White Hypericum , Yellow Lily , Green Roses , White Stock , Yellow Tulips .
Pamper them with luxury by sending this marvelous bouquet! Featuring beautiful lilies, hydrangeas, carnations, tulips, and more in shades of yellow, green, and white, Luxurious Lemon Dream is a delightfully charming mix. Surprise someone you love with this cheerful bouquet today!
Send mom your love this year through a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers. Mother's Day is your time to show mom just how much you appreciate her and everything she has done. Let PRIMAVERA FLOWERS & MORE help you say "Thinking of you, mom" and "I love you always" with flowers -- no matter if you live here in Woodbridge, or across the country. Simply click any of the beautiful Mother's Day flower arrangements above to order online!
Please note out of the area deliveries (not Woodbridge) must be ordered before 11am on the same day and Woodbridge orders can be placed until 12:30pm. Deliveries are made between 2 and 6pm